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Rental FAQ's

Thanks for choosing Chill for your rental and hiring requirements. We are chuffed that you chose us. To ensure your activities runs like a well-oiled Maserati, you can Help us to Help YOU by following our golden pathway to success!

Chill depots are open from 9am-5pm


2/128 Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100

PH: 02 9907 7099

2/22 Assembly Dr Dandenong South VIC 3175

PH: 03 8774 6412

24 Octal St, Yatala, QLD 4207

PH: 07 3733 0888
Perth 5 Chifley Brace, Jandakot, WA 6164 PH: 08 6103 1313


Can I move Chill equipment after delivery?

When delivered to site, chill customers are not permitted to move equipment or tow any trailers unless prior written authority has been given by the Rental manager (in special circumstances, such as a council buggy towing them into position etc)  

Any address relocations of equipment are at an additional call-out charge. Esky’s may be collected by the customer from Chill depots under the rental agreement. 

Coolrooms | Trailers | Skids

How long will it take to cool down once powered?

When empty cool rooms will take approx 20-40 mins to cool down to operations temperature subject to hot air temperature conditions on the day, how often the door is left open whilst loading. Freezers can take 1-3 hours.

*if cold product is put inside immediately (this will aid the cooldown of the room) or if warm stock put in, it will take a lot longer

Mobile coolrooms are not designed to cool down large quantities of stock in short periods of time however opening the boxes will speed up the cooling process. Packing ambient (warm) beverage cases into the coolroom in large quantities can take approx 48 hrs to chill through packaging and cartons.

For warm product, we recommend chilling up to 1-3 days prior to serving for optimum results. 

Stock must be pre-chilled prior to going in the skid coolroom if not, it can take 3-14 days depending on product/ volume / outdoor temp/sugar content etc to achieve +2C.

Skid containers are designed to hold chilled temperature not cool down warm product. For example - stock must go in at or below +4ºC.

What power is required? 

Most coolrooms and chillers are 10mp /240V power. Whereas some freezers and larger units may require 15amp power. 

But each piece of equipment should be checked for individual power requirements.  

All our equipment has been tagged and tested.

How much stock will fit inside a trailer? 

A small coolroom will fit approx 20-30 cases and a large will fit up to  2 or 2.5pallets if smaller cartons. If stacking cases of drinks, leave gaps in between each stacked column as shown below to allow cold air to circulate. Overloading the cool room will compromise cold air circulation and the quality of your stock. Do not allow blocking of the fans or loading too high to the roof as this will compromise air circulation

How much weight can a trailer hold? 

Most large trailers can hold 100-350kg whilst stationary. From time to time stock may be left in the trailer at the end of the rental, this should never be towed and always moved to a transit van where possible. Small amounts may be able to remain on the floor of the trailer if spread evenly and less than 50-100kg 

This image below is an example of a full coolroom showing how gaps have been left in between the product to allow for airflow. It could be loaded slightly better by lowering the height of the towers not so close to the roof.


Who is responsible for stock and product? 

You, the hirer, is responsible for all the stock held or used in the equipment during the rental period.  For security purposes, it is your responsibility to provide a small padlock if you intend to secure your stock. It is also your responsibility to check that the equipment is operating at the correct temperature on the HACCP check sheet provided at delivery.

What happens if equipment is lost or damaged? 

This is on a case by case basis in terms of malfunction however you will be responsible for any loss or damage to the equipment/vehicle irrespective of how the loss or damage occurred. i.e. if an esky is not returned, a coolroom is dented (except for fair wear and tear), patrons misuse.

If there is a loss or damage to the vehicle/equipment you need to notify Chill immediately for the appropriate action.

Do you have insurance? 

You must cover and keep insured the equipment with public liability insurance in an amount of at least $20,000,000 at all times. Chill has general insurance to cover our staff and equipment in transit.

What happens if equipment fails? 

If there is a breakdown or failure of the equipment, you should notify Chill immediately for the appropriate action to be taken and repairs to be carried out. You must not have repairs to the equipment carried out nor attempt to resolve them independently. Chill or a representative will assess the failed item for malfunction under the terms of contract and specific manufacturers warranty conditions. Where applicable, a replacement machine will be issued. We will attend to essential faults, such as failure to maintain correct temperature, within a reasonable time from your call. Non-essential faults will be attended to during normal working hours which are currently, but subject to change, 8.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. The class of faults into essential or non-essential will be at Chill's discretion.

Do I have to clean the equipment?

Our coolrooms are pressure cleaned and checked after each use using food-grade cleaning agents to industry regulation and HACCP standard. Units are independently sanitised and treated periodically for anti-bacteria and mould. Therefore the equipment is delivered in a clean, good working order and must be returned to in clean and working order.

Who pays for infringements and fines? 

If you station the equipment in a metered or restricted area, you take full responsibility for costs incurred including any associated fines, towing or other costs arising from this. Chill reserves the right to on charge an administration fee for processing unpaid fines & tolls.

What happens if the coolroom is damaged or vandalised but it's not our fault?

 It is your the responsibility to make sure the coolroom is in a safe and secure location, and any damage to the equipment whilst within their care is also the responsibility of the hirer.


Deliveries & Pick ups (2)

Deliveries & Pick ups (3)


Who's my first point of contact? 

  1. Your rental account manager 
    1. Or call us on 1300 932 445 
      1. Select 3 for Rental
  1. Or email the rental department on rental@chill.com.au
  2. Or head to the website www.chill.com.au for an enquiry or a rental booking

What's the process if I'm late paying my account?
Inform the Chill Finance team by calling 1300 932 445 select 4 to discuss next steps

How long does it take to set up on an account?

Up to 3 weeks for account processing


For further information please refer to our;